Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu is collaborating in the "Engineers of the Future - Smart, Skilled, Secure" project to improve the skills of engineers preparing them for future jobs and challenges.
Skilled people represent the key to the future, able to provide solutions to the various challenges that companies and society will have to face. Public training programmes and fostering the collaboration between academia and industry are essential for Romanian industry, especially in the Sibiu region, to remain competitive. However, there is a lack of academic specialised education and training programmes in advanced automation and IIoT that provide an adaptive mix of technical and non-technical skills and competences that are essential for engineers in the coming years.
The "Engineers of the Future – Smart, Skilled, Secure" project aims to address this skills gap by designing and testing a vocational education and training programme. The programme will use a new, multidisciplinary curriculum for development of new skills related to the use and implementation of contemporary IT technologies, which provide the basis for Industry 4.0, like M2M automation, collaborative robots and Digital Twins.
On 20 October, the second online meeting took place in which we made progress in defining course content together with members of the GAIA Spanish cluster ( and the Polish SINOTAIC cluster coordinated by Smart Secure Networks LLC (
The "Engineers of the Future – Smart, Skilled, Secure" project is a 2-year (01.10.2022 - 30.09.2024) project under Erasmus+ Programme KA2 PARTNERSHIP IN VET coordinated by the SINOTAIC cluster and co-funded by the European Union (project id: 2022-1-PL01-KA220-VET-000086326).