Sandefjord, Norway 24.07.2022 - 07.08.2022
Formular de candidatură (docx)
Posterul cu informatii (pdf)
Information poster (pdf)
Summer School Activity Report
Summer School QA About Courses Report
Multiplier event 08.08.2022
Professor Adrian FLOREA - AI (neural networks), GA (genetic algorithms) & Fuzzy Rules – applied in Modelling, Control, Predicting and Managing of processes from Agriculture and Food Engineering domains (PDF)
Professor Adrian FLOREA - AI (neural networks), GA (genetic algorithms) & Fuzzy Rules – applied in Modelling, Control, Predicting and Managing of processes from Agriculture and Food Engineering domains (PPTX)
Professor Lasse Berntzen - IoT sensors and actuators
Professor Lasse Berntzen - IoT communication
Professor Lasse Berntzen - IoT cloud integration
Professor Anca Şipoş - Using AI in fermentation process – theory and applications (PPTX)
Prof. PhD Ion Dan Mironescu - Digital design of food manufacturing processes theory and applications (PDF)
Prof. PhD Ion Dan Mironescu - Digital design of food manufacturing processes theory and applications (PPTX)
Daniel MORARIU, Ion MIRONESCU - Assembly lines for picking fruits/vegetables (PDF)
Daniel MORARIU, Ion MIRONESCU - Assembly lines for picking fruits/vegetables (PPTX)

Disclaimer: This digital materials was realised with the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 financial support. Its content (text, photos, videos) does not reflect the official opinion of the Programme Operator, the National Contact Point and the Financial Mechanism Office. Responsibility for the information and views expressed therein lies entirely with the author(s)